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On Premise VS Cloud: Time for you to make the transition with these simple tips

Updated on March 8, 2024By
On Premise VS Cloud

On premise vs cloud is a pretty heated topic that can get many tech evangelists riled up. Recently it may have taken some by surprise when Atlassian announced that it would be sunsetting its on-premise version of its JIRA Software by ceasing server product sales in February of 2021 and ending server support in February of 2024.

But those with an eye towards innovation saw a movement towards the cloud coming for quite some time now, and Atlassian is prepared to shed those who aren’t prepared to follow.

Before we jump into the benefits of moving your project management to the cloud, let’s first understand the benefits of on premise vs cloud and why you’re likely currently hosting your tool locally.

On Premise vs Cloud – The Incentives 

There are up to three key reasons your company likely operates with an on premise solution:

  • Security
  • Ownership and Control
  • Infrastructure


Generally the chief concern with cloud hosting. People and software buyers are concerned as to where specifically the Cloud facility is located, where the data is being stored, what happens if their is outage and many other details that arise when working on someone elses server.  However an on premise solutions as opposed to a cloud solution is  squarely in your control as there’s no third party intermediary between your employees and the software.

Ownership and Control

A one-time purchase of software licenses allows your organization to maximize the value of the purchase by supporting the software on your own arrangement. Additionally, the configuration, data, and system updates are entirely in your control.


That you’re hosting your own project management software on premise means you organization has already engaged in the up front capital expenditure as well as the necessary hires to implement and maintain the system. To be frank, it’s quite possible that this capital commitment came before the widespread availability (and trust in) the cloud.

Transition Trepidation

Moving to the cloud means your organization will need to loosen its own grasp of the Security, Ownership, and Infrastructure that currently keeps your project management (and likely other company-wide softwares) afloat.

Such a transition can be costly and may call the necessity of certain positions in your organization into question once the transition has concluded. Hence, it’s advised to plan the total cost of ownership ahead (TCO) by capacity planning using cloud cost calculators.

So then the big question persists: Why make the leap to the cloud from your on-premise solution? Truth is, many of the reasons that your organization cited as reasons to be on-premise are addressed with grace through a cloud solution.

The Benefits of the Cloud vs On Premise 

Adopting the Cloud and the providers who utilize it is admittedly an extension of trust in other organizations, but this trust is often warranted. Moving to the cloud provides flexible options for your team, such as serverless databases. Plus, a third party’s ability to optimize their service for a segment of your business generally improves the quality and lowers the cost of that service.


Cloud Security is increasingly becoming safer than on premise security as cloud providers routinely invest heavily in the latest security measures, including robust features such as cloud data backup, to ward off a wide range of threats.

This enhanced security is crucial, especially considering that 60% of corporate data is now stored in the cloud, underscoring the importance of reliable cloud solutions in today’s digital landscape.

In addition to these features, the implementation of Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP) has become a crucial aspect of cloud security. CWPPs offer specialized protection for cloud workloads, addressing the unique security challenges in cloud environments and providing an extra layer of security that complements the existing measures by cloud providers.

It’s unlikely that the average organization will have the bandwidth to invest in on-premise hardware for security measures at the rate of, say, AWS, so trusting cloud providers with modernized security such as CWPP is becoming less of a leap of faith and more of a reasonable expectation. This is just one of many instances where you can limit expenditure and strain on internal IT positions and infrastructures.

Ownership and Control

Cloud-based softwares are far more accessible than ones deployed on premise. Additionally, the burden to maintain, update, and optimize performance for scalability is also shifted to the software provider, allowing you to engage with an ideal experience of the program without needing to lean on your IT infrastructure to perfect the solution internally.

The best way to make a smooth migration is to consult with a cloud partner on Cloudfresh to get the best terms from a provider that meets your business needs, along with maximum support and care at every stage of the solution implementation.


There’s no dodging the fact that your organization has made a considerable investment in its on-premise hosting solution, but a sunk cost is a dangerous fallacy when trying to estimate innovation for the future.

Cloud-based software comes with predictable costs in the form of operational expenditure. The responsibilities of constant infrastructure monitoring for uptime, energy costs, and disaster recovery using observability platforms are mantled by the provider as part of the cloud monitoring arrangement as well.

In this way, you’re safe to assume that cloud-hosted solutions shake out to be less expensive over time as essentially everything required to roll out, maintain, and update the solution is no longer your burden to shoulder.

An Opportunity for Innovation

If your organization is looking to move its project management solution from on-premise to the cloud, it’s also likely a good time to assess and reconsider the management tool your company is employing to spearhead planning and execution efforts. Let’s identify three core ways to evaluate software the same way we did to evaluate the benefits of the cloud:

  • Ease of use
  • Flexibility
  • Scalability

Ease of Use

Organizational buy-in on a tool is tremendously important, as it ultimately determines if your company is maximizing the value of the solution they’ve selected. An easy to use solution like Nifty helps bridge the gap between your employees using a tool as part of an organizational mandate and using a tool because it actually facilitates reaching objectives by making daily workflows easier. Modern PM solutions incentivize usage by weaving more instances of collaboration into them so that they become live working environments instead of “update hubs” that simply track what’s already been done.


The more organizational workflows that a solution can gracefully solve, the better, as it comes with a bevy of benefits. First, this will require your team to juggle fewer subscription engagements across fewer vendors. Secondly, cross-departmental workflows are facilitated as they do not require integrations between tools, or even worse, moving data outside of these tools altogether. The drawback to consider with all-in-one flexible workspaces is that drawing meaningful insights across the platform can be a challenge, which lends to our third point.


It’s imperative that the selected solution fits your organization both today and tomorrow, meaning it must have the flexibility to cater to many workflows while still scaling in such a way that does not result in an organizational nightmare. Striking a balance between flexibility and scalability is arguably the key challenge that separates top-tier workflow solutions from ones that thrive in the hands of a certain department. Consider how your management may glean meaningful insights across two or more departments with entirely different workflows to determine a solution’s cross-departmental scalability.

Cloud-based software like virtual machine hosting are far more accessible than ones deployed on-premise. Additionally, the burden to maintain, update, and optimize performance for scalability is also shifted to the software provider, allowing you to engage with an ideal experience of the program without needing to lean on your IT infrastructure to perfect the solution internally

Final Thoughts – On Premise vs Cloud and Which to Choose

Moving your organization to the cloud is no small feat, but it’s a vital transformation that is beginning to look like a “when, not if” transition. What feels like a leap of faith is coming more of an acknowledgment of the ability of cloud vendors to optimize their service more effectively than your organization can internally.

The same can be said about workflow solutions. What feels like a stretch in unifying more of your organization around fewer solutions will eventually be seen as an undeniable leap towards scalable productivity instead of forcing too many square pegs into round holes. That said, selecting the best solution as part of your digital transformation is a major crux in the success of the future of an organization’s workflows.

Cloud-based software is far more accessible than ones deployed on-premise. Additionally, the burden to maintain, update, and optimize performance for scalability is also shifted to the software provider, allowing you to engage with an ideal experience of the program without needing to lean on your IT infrastructure to perfect the solution internally

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