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A Quick Guide to a Character Bio Template

Updated on March 12, 2024By
character bio cover image

Looking to learn how to utilize a character bio template?

There are approximately 650,000 in-house writers and just over 1 million freelance writers globally, according to statistics; but what is it that only a few ones can get to the top?

Writing stories that affect readers is not easy for every writer.

You should know the techniques and write carefully and creatively. If you want to learn about how to create characters for your debut novel or short story, we will help you by introducing the character bio template.

Characters in the story are important in the development of the plot. In other words, a plot needs characters to develop through the pages of a book.

Creating a new character may sound quite challenging because you should know how it will develop until the story’s end. However, professional writers do not find it as challenging as most people would think.

They create new characters and give them life while also determining personality, habits, attitudes, way of thinking, etc. for them.

But how do they do so?

As a writer, you should use a character bio template to create the best characters for your stories.

In this post, we will talk about character bio template, its importance, and the elements it includes to transform the characters of your story into the ones that have the same complexity as the real people in society.  

character bio template

How to Write Your Debut Story?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a novel or short story. Writing a book can take months or years, and you’ll almost certainly face challenges along the way. It’s natural to become lost, so give yourself permission to make mistakes, erase chapters and storylines, and rethink previous occurrences. With a little effort, you should be able to solve most problems.

A piece of literary writing, such as a novel or short story, is made up of five basic but essential aspects. Characters, setting, plot, theme, frame, tone, exposition, ending/denouement, motif, titling, narrative point of view are the components of a literary piece. These vital features keep the story moving along smoothly and allow the action to unfold in a logical and understandable manner for the reader. But in his post, we would only talk about the first component: character. 

What is a Character Template (Bio)?

Writing a character biography is crucial and will determine the development of your novel or short story. Of course, you want to begin writing right away. As a matter of fact, everything would go on in a more organized way if there is a plan or thought behind the whole idea. So, you should take a break and begin by outlining your novel or short story and defining your characters’ qualities, features, and characteristics.

Character bio template

A character bio, often known as a character profile, is a few phrases or pages that tell your character’s story. Character bio helps remarkably in character development and plotting out your character’s arc by enhancing your character’s attributes. The bio should allow the reader to feel a personal connection to the figure. In other words, it should make the readers believe the characters when they read the story.

It doesn’t matter what role they play in the story, major or minor, protagonist or antagonist; the character bio should include details that help them seem more human. A character bio template will assist you in writing a better story that attracts and affects its readers. In addition, a character bio template allows you to effortlessly alter and update your templates. 

Why Use a Character Bio Template?

For each of your characters, you should fill out the character bio template given that you want to create an impressive character for your story. If you see that parts of a character’s attributes need to be changed, don’t forget to edit the character bio template as well. It should definitely help you organize your thoughts, prevent forgetting any crucial character qualities or characteristics, and gain a bird’s-eye view of your characters’ current relationships.

The level of bio detail for each of your characters is entirely up to you. However, it is frequently necessary to go into as much detail as feasible. This will not only help you grasp the character’s potential function in your novel or short story, but it will also assist you to explain circumstances the character may encounter.

Using a character bio template to record details can make a huge impact on the quality of your writing. It takes time to write a story. Even if you have a great mental image of a character at the start, writing might take months or even years, and you’ll need a consistent point of reference for each of your key characters. If you truly want your readers to visualize your characters as you envision them, you must pay attention to the details.

Characters are remembered and imagined because of the details in their appearance, behavior, mentalities, etc. For instance, everyone who has read Harry Potter knows that Ron Weasley suffers from arachnophobia, Hermione Granger is a bookworm, or Hagrid loves dragons. The creative use of these elements such as fears, interests, etc. helps to paint a vivid image of your characters.

Character Bio Template

The questions in our character bio template will help you figure out how your characters will behave. They specify motivations, which are crucial in determining characters’ behavior. It has the ability to predict how they will react in any given situation. The character bio template has some parts and elements that can help you create your characters while keeping an eye on every detail of their personality. Here are some of these elements:

General Information

Defining the general information of your character is the first thing you should do on your character development path. You should give the readers the description of who is affecting the story, including height, weight, hair, and personal style. Your skill to describe your character plays a very important role here. Avoid common adjectives and cliches for describing your characters. Sure, if you have to characterize a superhero, you could say they’re muscular or attractive, but take it a step further. Think of anything else that your readers should know apart from superheroes being strong, etc. 

Here are the things you should consider as the general information of your characters. Remember that all the things on this list may not be applied to your character regarding the genre of your story. For instance, if it is sci-fi, you may not be able to define a job or social status for your character. 

  • Full name
  • Nickname
  • Age
  • Nationality
  • Religion
  • City of birth
  • The current place for living
  • Job title
  • Employing company
  • Income
  • Marital status
  • Mother tongue
  • Birthday
  • Is he or she a homeowner?
  • What is the character’s favorite thing to do?
  • What is the character’s pet peeve?


If you want your characters to have depth so that they leave better and deeper effects on your readers, you should think of a background for them. Every real being who exists has a background and comes from a history of its own. Therefore, not thinking of a background that nourishes their behavior today can make your story a naive and unrealistic one. When creating the character bio, ask yourself questions like:

  • What would you say about the character’s childhood?
  • How would you describe the character’s adolescent years?
  • How would you describe the character’s adulthood?

Role and Involvement of Character

Not every character has a major role in the course of the story. You can have major or minor characters and you can choose to have a large number of characters or just a few of them. Accordingly, it is important that you decide about the role and involvement of your characters from the start. To do this, you can ask yourself questions like these:

  • What is the character’s involvement in the story?
  • What method is used to introduce the character?
  • When is he/she referenced for the first time in the story?


Depending on your story, your characters may or may not have relationships with others. Think of the relationships of your characters and try to develop their personalities with regard to these relationships. In addition, you should also determine whether there is a family in which your character grows up or is affected by the lack of one. See if you want them to have kids, a wife, a husband, etc. Here is a list of relationships your characters can have:

  • Sisters or brothers
  • Wife or husband
  • Children
  • Grandparents
  • Grandchildren
  • Friends
  • Colleagues
  • Relationships with other characters of the story

Physical Characteristics to Include in your Character Bio Template

To make your characters even more real and perceptible by the readers, you should think of their appearance as well. Draw an image of the characters in your mind and try to describe it the way they are in your mind. Make your readers draw the same image in their minds when they are reading the story. Think of these physical characteristics for your characters:

  • Addictions
  • Bad habits
  • Color of eyes
  • The color of Hair
  • The color of Skin
  • Dialect
  • Does the character drink regularly?
  • Does the character have any disabilities?
  • Does the character prefer any proverbs?
  • Does the character smoke?
  • Good Habits
  • Height
  • Hobbies
  • Is he/she wearing Glasses?
  • Is the character healthy, or does he have any diseases?
  • Type of face
  • Weight
  • What’s the style of the character? Is he/she modern or old-fashioned?

Consider using an AI image extender to create vivid visual representations of your characters, allowing readers to see them exactly as you envision.

Mental Characteristics for your Character Template

Just as it is necessary for you to develop physical characteristics for your characters, you should also develop mental characteristics for them. Mental characteristics are important in the course of the story as it is the mentalities of the characters that define their reactions to anything that happens in the story. As a result, you should spend some time developing your characters’ mentalities. Here are some hints for your characters’ mental characteristics:

  • Intelligent or not?
  • Fears
  • Strengths 
  • Weaknesses 
  • Flaws
  • Life Goals
  • Self-perception
  • Assumed external perception
  • Self-Confidence
  • Sense of humor
  • Rational or emotional?
  • What annoys or upsets this character?

Emotional Characteristics for your Character Bio Template

The next thing that you should consider for your characters is emotional characteristics. Ask yourself questions like these:

  • What are the character’s emotional strengths?
  • What do you think the character’s emotional flaws are?
  • Is the protagonist an introvert or an outgoing person?
  • What is the character’s reaction to rage and fury?
  • What is the character’s reaction to dissatisfaction?
  • What is the character’s reaction to rivalry?
  • What is the character’s reaction to the new circumstances?
  • What is the character’s reaction to troubles?
  • What is the meaning of his or her life?
  • What in the character’s life would he or she desire to change?
  • What drives the character’s actions?
  • What situations terrify the protagonist?
  • What brings joy to this character?
  • Is the character frequently biased?
  • Is it more important for the character to give than to take?
  • Is the character friendly or obnoxious?

What Is the Best Task Management Tool for Writers?

Anyone who is doing business needs to use a task management tool to get a performance analysis, and every job has several stages to complete until the revenue is made. As a writer, you should divide your writing tasks into various steps.

Certainly, one of these steps is creating a character bio template. On the other hand, many writers try their hand in other creative writing areas such as blogging, journalism, SEO content creation, etc. All these professions require you to have an organized workflow, no matter if you are working as a freelancer or in a team.

kanban character bio template board

Nifty is a task management tool with features and services that are quite useful for anyone with any task management needs. Nifty has something for everyone, whether you’re a freelance blogger, journalist, creative team, or large corporation. Its flexible management and dependence features allow you more flexibility over your editing strategy as a writer or content provider. It also makes it easy to develop a habit of writing every day. After all, you already have a to-do list for each day, so why not enlist the assistance of a strong program like Nifty?


Since there is also a free plan available on Nifty, you can use it at no cost. If you need more features or services, you can choose other plans at different prices.

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Final Thoughts on Character Bio Templates

As a writer who wants to experience writing the first novel or short story, you should concentrate your thoughts on every aspect of the story. Every component of the story needs your attention and imagination to be developed. In this article, we talked about only one component: character. We provided an introduction to the character bio template that can help you develop your characters the way you should. Using a character bio template, you can create characters that are as complex as the people we see in the real life.

Before writing your story, you should know who your character(s) are and what they may do in the different situations that may happen through the plot of the story. Knowing the mentalities of your characters in advance can increase the possibility of creating a character that would affect your readers through the course of the story. Think deeply about the questions in the character bio template and do your best to create the characters of your story. Of course, while doing all this can be fun, it can also be a bit tedious at times. In that case, you can always use an AI writing assistant. It doesn’t matter if some spelling mistakes or something small like that creeps in, as long as you’re investing time in building your character’s profile. Wish you the best of luck!

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