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How IQM uses Nifty to bridge the gap between their Product and Engineering teams for 2x efficiency

Updated on June 17, 2021By
Nifty - IQM

IQM is an audience intelligence and media buying platform designed specifically for mobilizing political action.

Campaigns and advocacy groups rely on IQM’s AI and machine-learning methodology to reach target voters and inspire action at the polls.


IQM has a total of 40 team members spread between their New York and India offices.

The entire team — Project & Product Managers, Designers & Developers, Operations & Management — uses Nifty on a daily basis to manage their work, projects, tasks, and to log time.

Streamlining process, empowering collaboration, and monitoring product development timelines were IQM’s major decision-factors when switching to Nifty.

While building a platform to unite political groups with those who’d respond to their message, IQM ran into communication and action issues of their own. Their product team planned and iterated on product ideas on one platform, while their engineering team managed the sprints and execution on another platform. Communication between these two arms were done on a third tool and then tied together by a twisted knot of integrations.

Bhargav Patel

“We had a strained process that made true collaboration difficult. We felt like this bundle of software we were using to communicate, collaborate, and track progress made it difficult to effectively create a software of our own.”

Bhargav Patel,
Founder and CEO of IQM

How IQM leverages Nifty to make their teamwork 2x more efficient

Using Nifty resulted in a 100% increase in team efficiency by creating alignment between the product and engineering teams while streamlining their internal business processes.

  • The product team conceptualized specifications in Nifty’s built-in project Docs and discussed ideas and feedback in Discussions.
  • Once finalized, specifications were shipped to the development team where scrum sprints were managed using Milestones.
  • Tasks were leveraged as developmental user stories with features built out into subtasks.
  • Nifty’s built in Direct messaging ensured that any shared thoughts, files, and feedback were stored in a common space and could be found with a unified search tool.
  • Operation managers were able to track key project initiatives, identify potential blockers and balance team member workloads across all projects from the Overview screens.
Nifty Projects Overview — Milestone View

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