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Why doesn’t have Gantt Charts but Nifty does

Updated on March 7, 2024By
Gantt Chart

Let’s not confuse simplicity with being simplistic. This is wholly unscalable deadline management.

If you’re looking for a project management solution that employs Gantt charts, ain’t it, chief. boasts a pathological hatred for Gantt charts and, according to them, you shouldn’t expect to find them in their product. Ever. And that’s a problem, because while understanding what your team’s workload looks like from each individual’s perspective is valuable, it isn’t enough.

Gantt Charts Provide Project Context

Henry Gantt developed Gantt Chart to provide project-oriented clarity when working on the construction of marvels such as the Hoover Dam and the Interstate Highway. We recognize that your team may not be working on a project with the magnitude to restrain a river behind 3,250,000 cubic yards (2,480,000 cubic meters) of concrete, but to think that Gantt chart only proves its mettle in supermassive projects is naive.

There’s no denying that people propel projects, but a project’s goals, timelines, and deliverables are sums greater than the parts. A Gantt chart emphasizes process and method to build a roadmap to success while highlighting celebratory checkpoints along the way.

Monday Highlight
Let’s not confuse simplicity with being simplistic. This is wholly unscalable deadline management.

Disregarding your project’s milestone examples to focus exclusively on an individual’s tasks is like playing for good stats on a sports team without concern for a game’s or season’s outcome. At the end of the day, we’re in this together with a common objective, and a Gantt chart helps everyone reference, adjust, and follow the path to victory.

But Gantt Charts Hurt My Eyes

Oh, we’re with you on that one. Nothing injects pure anxiety and terror into the fiber of one’s being quite like a Gantt chart that resembles a conspiracy theorist’s workroom.

But let’s not overreact and erase an entire methodology simply because it could use improvement. After all, they’re planning on improving the Hoover Dam — not destroying it outright.

Charlie’s Gantt Chart, probably.

Charlie’s Gantt Chart, probably.

Gantt Chart Reimagined with Nifty Milestones

We at Nifty wanted to clean up the myriad of bars running amok on your typical Gantt chart, and we did so by consolidating tasks into Gantt-style project milestones that are propelled with automation.

When tasks that are tied to Milestones are completed, the milestone status automatically reflects the progress made.

Creating, updating, and completing tasks is simple and retains project context

Creating, updating, and completing tasks is simple and retains project context

Nifty Milestones also cater to more complex workflows with dependencies that enforce a process for the entire team in your project by locking tasks tied to the future milestone.

Nifty Milestones

This an organized, scalable way to view one or all of your project’s initiatives as you can focus on goals and not every individual task duration at once.

Focusing On Your Work

We recognize that a Gantt chart isn’t the best way to find what you need to do on any given day, week, or month. This isn’t what Gantt charts set out to solve, and so a different problem requires a different solution, which is why Nifty has flexible options from Gantt view to Timeline, Calendar, and Kanban. Rather than have to choose between seeing what you need to do and what needs to be done in a project, why not have everything?

👉 Give Nifty a try now and thank us later! 🎉

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