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Constructive Feedback: Why It’s Important & 7 Ways to Give It

Updated on October 5, 2023By
constructive feedback

Harvard Business Review claims thatconstructive feedback — both positive and negative — is essential to helping managers enhance their best qualities and address their worst so they can excel at leading.”

However, the way the feedback is given is equally important:

  • The feedback should be delivered with respect and careharsh feedback will not help people thrive.
  • Positive feedback or feedback on what’s working is important to learning.

In this blog, we’ll explore why constructive feedback is so important and provide seven practical ways to give it effectively.

Whether you’re a project manager, a coworker, or a friend, these tips will help you provide feedback that is clear, helpful, and motivating and that will inspire others to improve and reach their full potential. So let’s dive in!

So, what is constructive feedback?

Looking for a precise constructive feedback definition? 

Constructive feedback is basically feedback that is aimed at:

  • Improving a person’s performance or behavior
  • Helping the recipient learn, grow, and develop their skills
  • Being focused on behaviors and actions that can be changed or improved
  • Being honest, specific, and actionable

Got it, but what’s the purpose of constructive feedback?

Constructive feedback is more than stringing a few positive words of encouragement–it’s rooted in behavioral improvement.

The purpose of constructive feedback is to:

  • Offer guidance and support for the recipient to improve their performance or behavior
  • Help the recipient identify areas for improvement and give them specific suggestions on how to make those improvements
  • Boost the recipient’s confidence by acknowledging their strengths and highlighting the progress they have made
  • Create a culture of continuous improvement and growth, as it provides individuals with valuable information that they can use to learn and develop their skills

7 Tips to offer constructive feedback positively in the workspace

When it comes to understanding how to give constructive feedback, consider the following expert-approved tips:

1. Choose the right time and place to give feedback

When it comes to offering constructive criticism, timing and setting can be just as important as the message itself. It’s essential to choose an appropriate time and place that is comfortable and conducive to productive feedback–like offering feedback in-person or via video instead of emails or the phone.

Managers must think about using a project management tool such as Nifty that comes with built-in Zoom integration. This allows you to schedule and join video meetings directly from within the app:

Zoom integration in Nifty to offer Constructive Feedback via meeting
Chat highlighting a quick way to launch a Zoom meeting.

This feature is a great way to ensure that you have a private and distraction-free environment to offer constructive criticism.

Here are some tips for using Nifty’s built-in Zoom meeting capabilities to offer constructive criticism positively:

  • Schedule a meeting in advance: This will give everyone time to prepare for the feedback session and ensure that they have set aside enough time to discuss the issue at hand.
  • Keep the meeting short and focused: Try to keep the meeting to around 30 minutes or less, and focus on specific areas that need improvement rather than giving general feedback.
  • Use video conferencing: Face-to-face communication is always more effective than written feedback. Using the Zoom integration within Nifty will allow you to see and hear the person you are giving feedback to, which can help build rapport and trust.
  • Be specific: Make sure your feedback is clear, concise, and specific. Avoid using vague or general language that could be misinterpreted.
  • Offer suggestions: Instead of simply pointing out the problem, offer suggestions for improvement. This will show that you are invested in helping the person succeed and will give them concrete steps to follow.

2. Focus on observation and not inference

Here’s how you can deliver observation-based feedback:

  • Stick to the facts: Base your feedback on what you observe rather than what you think or assume. This makes your criticism more objective and less personal.
  • Use specific examples: Provide specific examples of the behavior or performance you are addressing. This helps the person understand what you are talking about and makes it easier for them to take corrective action.
  • Avoid judgmental language: Avoid using words that sound judgmental or accusatory. Instead, use neutral language that focuses on the behavior or performance being criticized.
  • Be respectful: Criticism can be hard to hear, so it’s important to be respectful and considerate in your delivery. Use a positive tone and avoid being overly critical or negative.
  • Focus on improvement: Frame your criticism as an opportunity for improvement rather than a negative evaluation. This encourages the person to take your feedback as a constructive suggestion rather than a personal attack.
  • Ask questions: Ask questions to understand their perspective and to encourage self-reflection. This also helps to establish a constructive dialogue and open communication.

3. Focus on how to change 

Here are some tips on how to offer constructive criticism positively while focusing on how to change:

  • Be specific: When you offer criticism, be specific about what you think could be improved and why. Focus on the behavior or action that needs to change rather than the person. Use concrete examples to illustrate your point and avoid generalizations or personal attacks. 
  • Use “I” statements: Start your feedback with “I” statements to show that you are sharing your own perspective and experience. For example, if you are giving a product feedback survey, instead of saying, “You’re not communicating clearly,” try saying, “I found it difficult to follow your presentation because the key points weren’t clear.”
  • Offer suggestions for improvement: Instead of just pointing out what needs to change, offer specific suggestions for how to improve. This can show that you are invested in helping the person grow and succeed.
  • Focus on the outcome: Emphasize the benefits of making changes and how they can lead to a positive outcome. This can help the person feel motivated and encouraged to make changes.
  • Check for understanding: After giving feedback, ask the person to summarize what they heard to ensure that they understand your perspective and suggestions for improvement.
  • Follow up: Check in with the person after some time has passed to see if they have made any progress or if they need further support. This can show that you are invested in their growth and development.

4. Balance criticism with some praise

Offering constructive criticism positively requires a delicate balance between pointing out areas for improvement and acknowledging what has been done well.

Do you know? You can even have a active feedback session in the discussion section of any project in Nifty.

Here are some tips you can follow to provide feedback that is both helpful and uplifting (and does not damage the person’s self-esteem):

  • Start with praise: Begin by acknowledging what the person has done well or what you appreciate about their work. This sets a positive tone for the feedback session and makes the recipient more receptive to constructive criticism.
  • Offer solutions: Rather than just pointing out problems, offer solutions or suggestions for improvement. This shows that you are invested in helping the person grow and develop rather than just criticizing them.
  • End on a positive note: Start by letting the person know that you appreciate them and are there to support them in their growth. For example, you can say something like – “I really believe in your potential and am excited to see how we can work together to achieve our goals.”

5. Emotional intelligence is key

Here are some tips on how to provide feedback positively and drive emotional intelligence:

  • Give feedback in private: Avoid giving feedback in public, as it can be embarrassing and diminish the person’s self-esteem. Instead, find a private setting where you can have an open and honest conversation.
  • Use a positive tone: Use a positive tone and language to communicate your feedback. Use words like “improve,” “enhance,” or “develop” instead of “fix” or “correct.”
  • Provide solutions: Don’t just point out the problem. Offer constructive solutions that can help the person improve their work or behavior.
  • Be empathetic: Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and think about how they might be feeling. Show that you understand their perspective and are there to help. For example, “I know it can be hard to receive feedback, but I think it’s important for us to work together to improve.”

6. Encourage a dialogue

Constructive criticism can be a valuable tool for growth and development, but it’s important to approach it in a way that encourages dialogue and avoids causing defensiveness or hurt feelings.

Here’s how you can offer constructive criticism positively and encourage a dialogue:

  • Begin with a positive comment: Before diving into the criticism, start by acknowledging something positive about the person or their work. This can help set a positive tone and make the person more receptive to your feedback.
  • Ask for permission: Before offering criticism, ask the person if they’re open to hearing your thoughts. For example, “Can I offer some feedback that might be helpful?” This shows respect for their feelings and boundaries and can make them more open to feedback. 
  • Offer specific suggestions: Instead of just pointing out what the person is doing wrong, offer specific suggestions for how they can improve. This can help the person feel more empowered to make changes and can encourage a dialogue about how to move forward.
  • Encourage questions: After offering feedback, encourage the person to ask questions or share their own perspective. This can help foster dialogue and show that you’re open to their input and ideas. It will also help create a collaborative atmosphere and ensure that both parties are on the same page.
  • Express appreciation: Finally, after the conversation is over, express appreciation for the person’s willingness to listen and engage in a dialogue. This can help maintain a positive relationship and encourage further growth and development.

7. Be respectful and stay on point

Giving constructive criticism can be a delicate balance between being helpful and respectful while also staying on point. Follow these tips:

  • Focus on the positive: Start by pointing out what the person is doing well. This can help them feel more confident and receptive to your suggestions. For example, “I really appreciate the effort you’re putting in, but I think we could improve in this area.”
  • Avoid generalizations: Be specific about what you are critiquing and offer specific suggestions for improvement. This helps the person understand exactly what they can do differently and gives them actionable steps to take. For example, “I noticed that you tend to interrupt people during meetings. Maybe you could try taking notes during the meeting instead.”

Constructive feedback: Examples to consider

Here are three constructive feedback examples for peers that could be given in a professional setting:

  1. Specific and actionable feedback: “Your presentation was informative, but I noticed that you tended to read directly from your slides. To make your presentation more engaging, consider practicing your delivery beforehand and using your slides as visual aids rather than relying on them for all of your content.”
  2. Feedback that highlights strengths and suggests improvements: “Your writing is clear and concise, but I noticed that you could improve the flow of your ideas by using more transitional phrases between paragraphs. I think this would make your writing even stronger.”
  3. Feedback that encourages growth: “I appreciate your effort on this project, and I think you did a great job with the research. Moving forward, I’d like to see you take on more responsibility for managing the project timeline and communicating with the team. I believe this will help you grow in your role and develop important skills for your career.”

In Conclusion

In conclusion, constructive feedback is important because it helps individuals and organizations improve their performance and achieve their goals.

By providing specific, actionable feedback, you can help others understand where they need to improve and how they can do so. When giving feedback, it’s important to focus on the behavior or action rather than the person, to be specific, and to offer suggestions for improvement.

Remember that giving feedback can be a sensitive issue, and it’s important to approach it with empathy and respect. Use tools like Nifty to ease up the process. Try Nifty for free.


What are examples of constructive feedback?

Examples of constructive feedback include:

  1. “Your presentation was well-organized and engaging, but I think you could improve it even further by adding more concrete examples to illustrate your points.”
  2. “I appreciate the effort you put into this project, but I think it would be more effective if you focused more on the main objectives and spent less time on minor details.”
  3. “Your work is consistently high-quality, but I think you could benefit from incorporating more feedback from your colleagues to enhance your skills even further.”

What are the 4 key features of constructive feedback?

The 4 key features of constructive feedback are:

  1. Specificity: The feedback should be clear and specific, focusing on particular behaviors or actions that need improvement.
  2. Timeliness: Feedback should be given as soon as possible after the behavior or action in question occurs so it is fresh in the recipient’s mind.
  3. Constructiveness: Feedback should be delivered in a way that is supportive and helps the recipient improve, rather than being negative or critical.

Actionable: Feedback should include suggestions for how the recipient can improve or change their behavior, providing them with a clear path forward.

What is positive and constructive feedback?

Positive and constructive feedback is the feedback that focuses on strengths and achievements while also providing suggestions for improvement.

It highlights what the recipient is doing well and provides specific examples to reinforce positive behaviors while also offering suggestions for how they can enhance their skills or performance.

This type of feedback is designed to motivate and encourage the recipient to continue to improve rather than simply pointing out flaws or shortcomings.

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