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Best Project Management Software For Healthcare

Last Updated: April 25, 2023By
hea;thcare project management

Choosing the best project management software for healthcare can be a challenging task because managing healthcare projects means you have to ensure that all parts of the project are done correctly and on time without delay.

This can be pretty hard, depending on how big the project is, as well as how complex it is. So what many companies do is they hand out a project manager to oversee everything that needs to be done. But being an expert in every aspect won’t work with every project, so they use a software program built specifically for these types of tasks, which helps manage projects better and faster.

One of the many tasks of a project manager is to organize and track their team’s schedules. Project management software has improved dramatically over the past several years and it is now easier than ever to harness all the power of these tools. This article discusses some of the best project management platforms and software you can use today for your healthcare project management needs.

What is the importance of Project Management Software in Healthcare?

 Project management is vital to the healthcare industry. According to ResearchGate, project management will become even more essential in 2022 with the increasing demand for healthcare and technology. Healthcare is a major priority, which means it accounts for 9% of the global economy despite having only 3% of the world’s population.

According to Gartner, the volume of projects in healthcare (including life sciences and healthcare services) has grown significantly. With more than half a million new applications being created annually, it’s not surprising that healthcare is one of the most heavily regulated industries in the world.

Organizations have to ensure they are delivering quality services on time, every time. Project management software can help streamline workloads by helping you get the best outcomes from your workers while keeping tabs on project budgets and data transparency.

Project managers are tasked with managing various projects, from small one-shot contracts to large multi-year proposals. There is a lot at stake when it comes to developing and implementing your project, and you need software that can help you stay organized.

Thankfully, there are a variety of tools available that help healthcare organizations manage their projects effectively. Let’s take a look at some of the best project management software options.

Healthcare project management forms the basis of countless organizations in the healthcare industry. You will often find that many people think of healthcare as a very sophisticated area and deem it as an advanced process, but this cannot be further from the truth.

In reality, it’s quite simple. There is no need for complicated methods and tools when dealing with organizational processes.

The goal is to reach objectives, deliver quality services and improve efficiency. Healthcare projects require strict adherence to deadline deadlines, and clear directions for particular tasks should be distributed to all concerned parties involved.

This allows them to avoid any possibilities of failure or disappointment resulting from confusion or ambiguity during the project development process.

Now, this can be achieved by getting a bespoke solution from a healthcare software development company or by choosing an established software.

What are the Top Project Management Software for Healthcare?

1. Nifty

Nifty is a project management software program. Projects, teams, tasks, and files may all be imported into one central workspace. It organizes all of your information and allows you to communicate with other teams and assign particular assignments.

Project Management Software For Healthcare Nifty

Nifty isn’t as difficult as other project management tools, and it’s always becoming better. Its user interface is simple to use and includes a number of drag-and-drop features for quickly organizing papers, projects, and schedules. This project management software is as simple as it gets, with infinite tool resources for better and on-time work completion. There is the possibility to offer notifications or extra automations as tasks shift between statuses. Onboarding is simple because to the user-friendly UI.

One of the best features is its Milestones. Every team member has a distinct function and set of responsibilities. The project manager may use Nifty to create particular milestones and be alerted when they are met. Setting start and due dates for each work aids the team in achieving individual and, eventually, shared objectives. It’s even great when you see how the milestones change color based on the due date and progress of the project.

2. MocDoc

MocDoc is a project management software suite that allows you to manage your project team’s work, coordinate with other stakeholders and document everything in one place. MocDoc comes with everything needed to get started with project management but it is also scalable, so it can grow with your needs as you grow.


Both small and large hospitals will benefit from this software. Appointments, online prescriptions, check-in, and Doctor discovery are all features of this app.

This program assists with bed space management, insurance, and ward needs. This program may also be used by pharmacies to manage inventories, purchases, sales invoices, and FSN analysis. Lab scientists may also use this program to create custom reports, get smart notifications, and send email reports.

MocDoc is an online application that helps project managers manage all the aspects of their projects. It was created by the company Abacus Health Solutions, which claims to have helped over a million users globally secure a six-figure salary in their careers.

MocDoc has a number of important features which are useful to manage a complete medical office. It comes with reports with gender and age-based templates that may be customized. The templates for doctors would be selected automatically. Also, automatic anomalous alarms, formula-based result values, and a history chart are all available. It offers a multi-view calendar that allows you to see appointments for a particular doctor, the whole hospital, or multiple locations. The software is easy to use, modular and comes with a good customer support.

3. Upland PSA

Upland PSA (previously Tenrox) assists in the development of a predictable and lucrative services company. With templates for diverse roles, clients, projects, and resources, Upland PSA centralizes timesheet and expense automation for your whole workforce.

Upland PSA

Based on team member abilities and availability, optimize resource and project management for optimal profitability. Upland PSA allows you to create repeatable project templates and use proposal automation to win more business.

Deliver complete transparency regarding budgets, expenses, demand, capacity, and progress from bid to close. With knowledge management, you can provide your team members the appropriate answers at the right time, improving onboarding and customer service. Active collaboration and frequent feedback and engagement surveys will increase client loyalty.

The customizable architecture of Upland PSA allows you to create approval workflows that are tailored to your internal procedures, as well as effective data transmission between front- and back-office solutions like CRM, ERP, and finance, as well as HR and payroll systems.

With customer-centered professional services automation software, Upland PSA helps companies of all sizes develop a predictable and repeatable services company.

4. Redbooth

Redbooth is a task and project management tool that allows teams to collaborate on work, have discussions, and share files in one location. Redbooth is easy to use and adapt to the needs of project teams and departments across thousands of businesses.


Medical professionals have been using this program for a long time. It allows them to incorporate critical patient and clinical data that will aid in providing better treatment. This program also includes real-time communication, time monitoring, and outstanding reporting capabilities.

Redbooth focuses on providing an easy-to-use task management tool to its clients, and it succeeds! The Redbooth user interface is straightforward, with only four primary menu options: Dashboard, Workspaces, HD Meetings, and Reports. 

Getting your team to adopt a sophisticated and unsightly project management product might be tough. Many customers report that team members are eager to adopt Redbooth in their everyday work since it is simple to use and aesthetically appealing.

Redbooth acts as a primary information center for its users. Each workspace contains project-specific tasks, discussions, and files. This keeps everyone on the same page and cuts down on the amount of time people spend hunting for information. Redbooth is also widely used as a project management tool for individuals

5. ClearPoint

ClearPoint is strategic project management software that enables hospitals and other healthcare organizations to track and manage projects that help them meet their goals. ClearPoint-enabled healthcare organizations and hospitals have a better overall view of performance, interact more effectively with multiple stakeholders, and spend less time on minimal project reporting duties.

Regardless of the technique you choose, ClearPoint can help you keep track of hundreds of projects and the responsibilities connected with each one. ClearPoint also connects with your existing legacy apps, and you may connect to local spreadsheets and databases without requiring any coding or IT assistance.

Many departments inside hospitals and other healthcare institutions function in their own silos, making it difficult for everyone to work together to enhance the company as a whole. ClearPoint not only makes departmental projects easier to complete, but it also allows you to track project progress in terms of organizational strategy.

When it comes to reporting, ClearPoint does the majority of the work. It’s simple to build high-level and comprehensive reports for a variety of audiences; after you’ve finished the first set, you can make monthly reports for everyone with only a few clicks.

6. Suvarna HIMS

Suvarna HIMS is a comprehensive Health Care Information System that offers simplified operations, greater administration and control, superior patient care, cost control, and increased profitability. We are one of the few companies in the world that provides an innovative solution that is easy, dependable, inexpensive, and proven.

Suvarna HIMS is a fully integrated Hospital Information Management System designed for small to large hospitals, medical colleges, clinics, and chain diagnostic centers. It is powerful, flexible, and simple to use, with the goal of providing real-world advantages to hospitals, medical colleges, clinics, and chain diagnostic centers.

They provide the most affordable product development and implementation across a wide range of industries. Enabling a cut in expenses and increase staff productivity by using a highly lean strategy with a well-defined process. These assist industries in lowering expenses by decreasing mistakes throughout the development stage without sacrificing quality.

Important Features of a Healthcare Project Management Software

Healthcare is a sector that has been growing increasingly complex, and the need for more effective tools to manage the process of care delivery has become more pressing. Healthcare IT professionals are in a unique position to make recommendations for software solutions based on their own experiences. However, there are some key features that should be considered when choosing the best project management software for healthcare:

#1.  Ease of use

Ease of use is a key feature to consider when choosing a project management tool for healthcare. While it’s important to choose a tool that’s easy enough to use, this shouldn’t be the only factor in your decision-making process. You also need to consider whether or not the tool will help you with any specific features within your industry or company.

This is one of the most important features. You don’t want a tool that’s too complicated or too simple—you want something that’s easy to use and intuitive. You’ll also want this feature if it helps you save time and resources by streamlining processes within your organization. 

#2. Cost effectiveness

Cost effectiveness is a key feature to consider when choosing a project management tool for healthcare. This is because the cost of the tool will depend on the features that are available, and how many people are using it. The more people who use the tool, the more expensive it will be.

If you need a tool that is easy to use and has all of the features that you need, then you might want to consider one that is not very expensive. However, if you want something like this but also want an easy-to-use and affordable option, then you should consider buying one that is less expensive than some of these other options.

Cost effectiveness is often one of the most sought-after criteria, even when it comes to enterprise project management software

#3. Security measures

Healthcare companies have a lot of sensitive data to protect, and if your company is using project management software from a third-party provider, you may not be able to ensure that it meets your security needs.

In addition to HIPAA compliance, there are other factors that can affect the security of the healthcare industry. For example, there are many different types of data and documents that may need to be protected. This could include medical records, financial information, intellectual property, and patient records. This will ensure that your data and systems are secure, and not at risk of being compromised by malicious actors.

It is also important to consider the level of encryption used in your project management tool. Some tools use secure channels for communication between users, while others use symmetric or asymmetric encryption techniques. The best project management tools offer encrypted file storage or cloud storage options that are protected by strong encryption technology. This ensures that no one can access or edit your files without your knowledge or consent.

#4. Integration with other software

This feature allows you to integrate other systems within your organization so that they work together seamlessly. For example, if there’s a system that records patient data (such as lab results), then it should be able to connect with another system that helps manage scheduling and other tasks related to patient care (such as scheduling appointments).

As mentioned before, healthcare industry is one of the most complex industries out there and there are many different types of software applications involved in delivering quality healthcare services at an affordable cost. Therefore it is very important that when choosing a project management tool for healthcare industry you should look at its compatibility with other applications like ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), etc. 

#5.  Managing Multiple Projects

Another feature that you should look for is the ability to manage multiple projects at once. This is especially important in healthcare because there are so many different aspects involved in running a business, and it’s easy to get distracted by one thing while another may not be going well. A good project management tool will allow you to keep track of everything—from budgets and marketing strategies to employee performance, patient satisfaction surveys, and more—all at once so that you can stay on top of everything without getting overwhelmed or forgetting anything!

#5. Internal Reporting Tool

When you’re looking at these kinds of systems, make sure that they include reporting tools so that you can get an overview of all your employees’ activities on any given day or week. You’ll be able to see exactly how much time each person has spent working on projects, as well as how many hours they spend each week outside of work activities such as family meals or exercise classes. Also, this report tools should comes with incorporating surgery notes as well as quality videos relevant to the medical operation report.

Healthcare is a very complex system with many different factors that have to be taken into consideration. Though, the management of all this complexity is not easy and would require the perfect knowledge and experience of the people involved. Planning and executing projects in healthcare can be difficult when you consider all the different factors that need to be addressed.

If you’re a provider of healthcare services, it’s vital that your office is run as efficiently and smoothly as possible. When patients, families, doctors, and other members of your staff need to communicate or share files, an organized approach to project management is the best solution. With due diligence before making your choice, you can avoid costly errors and reduce stress in all areas of your healthcare facilities. What’s more, lowering your costs and improving patient care is even easier by implementing one of these top project management software products for healthcare facilities.

Take Away

While there are many project management software options available, the three we’ve highlighted should give you a good starting point. Each has its own unique benefits and can be tailored to fit the specific needs of your healthcare organization. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring today and find the tool that fits your team’s needs perfectly.

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