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Client Management: What Is It? And How to Do It Right

Updated on July 2, 2024By
Client Management

In project management, there’s a critical skill that sets the exceptional apart from the average: client management. It’s not an optional add-on anymore—it has emerged as an essential pillar of a project manager’s role.

Think of it this way: If your project is a finely tuned machine, your clients are the engine powering it. Needless to say, your ability to understand, engage with, and effectively manage these clients will determine the success (or failure) of your project to a large extent.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about client relationship management.

What Is Client Management?

First things first, you need to understand that client management isn’t just about saying ‘yes’ to everything your clients want. It’s about finding the right balance between meeting their needs and keeping your project on track.

Since clients are typically known for having high expectations of projects (and throwing occasional curveballs), mastering client management must be every project manager’s priority.

Client vs. Customer: A Brief Comparison

The key distinction between clients and customers lies in the nature of the relationship.

Clients typically involve ongoing, collaborative partnerships, while customers engage in more transactional, short-term interactions. Clients often receive personalized solutions, fostering stronger loyalty potential. On the other end of the spectrum, customers opt for standardized products or services.

Long story short, a client generally stays with the brand for a longer period of time as opposed to a customer. As surprising as it sounds, most clients want to engage with organizations for the long haul.

This is why organizations must focus on building and nurturing relationships with their clients, irrespective of the effort or cost.

The Role of Client Managers

Client managers are the linchpin of client relationships, responsible for cultivating and preserving these connections, guaranteeing client satisfaction, and promoting business growth. They play a pivotal role in managing client expectations, ensuring that both the client and the project delivery team are on the same page.

Effective communication with sales colleagues is essential for successful client management, as it allows for proper management of expectations and the setting of realistic goals.

Client managers also showcase their expertise by acting as influencers and respectfully challenging ideas that may not be advantageous, thereby cultivating trust with clients.

Do you know Nifty has a use case as a client management software? Explore use case

Essential Client Management Skills

Mastering essential client management skills is crucial for fostering strong and enduring client relationships. This is why client management skills are important for every client manager. Three key skills that every client manager should possess are instant communication, active listening, and adaptability.

This segment will cover each of these skills and their significance in client management.


Adaptability is a necessary skill for client managers, allowing them to modify their approach based on client feedback and shifting circumstances. In a world where client needs and industry dynamics are constantly evolving, adaptability ensures that client managers can pivot and respond effectively to new challenges and opportunities.

Being cognizant of changes in the environment and cultivating a growth mindset are essential strategies for enhancing adaptability skills in client management.

Instant Communication

Instant communication is vital in client management, as it enables swift and efficient resolution of client inquiries. Some tools that facilitate real-time engagement with clients and provide support and assistance include:

By establishing customized communication plans, setting communication expectations, and organizing agency communications, client managers can guarantee effective immediate communication that contributes to building and maintaining robust client relationships.

Let’s imagine you’re a project manager who is working for a web development agency. Now, your team has been tasked with building a complex e-commerce website for a client, XYZ Retail.

Here’s how Nifty can assist you at every stage of the project development process:

You start by setting up the project in Nifty, which offers excellent communication features like live chat:

Active Listening

Active listening is another crucial skill for successful client management. It involves fully concentrating on what is being said and attempting to comprehend the message being conveyed. Through active listening, client managers can better understand client needs and expectations, fostering trust and facilitating the development of a shared strategy for moving forward.

Techniques such as encouraging clients to share their ideas and solutions before providing one’s own, maintaining good eye contact, and rephrasing client statements can ensure effective active listening in client management.

During the project kickoff meeting with XYZ Retail, you can use Nifty’s video conferencing feature to ensure face-to-face communication even when you can’t meet in person:

Active Listening

To get started, simply link your Zoom, Teams, Webex, or Meets account.

As the client discusses their vision for the website, you can actively listen to their inputs and ask clarifying questions using the integrated chat feature without interrupting the client.

Timely Updates

Throughout the project, you can regularly update the client on progress using Nifty’s messaging and file-sharing features:

For instance, when your development team completes the website’s homepage, you share a preview link directly through Nifty, allowing the client to provide feedback in real-time:

Effective Client Management Skills, providing real-time feedback
Real-time feedback sharing via public link

Issue Resolution

As the project advances, a minor issue arises: you’re experiencing delays in obtaining some custom graphics. You can swiftly communicate this hiccup through Nifty’s instant messaging feature. So, you assure the client that the situation is under control, and you’ll provide an updated timeline promptly.

Conflict Resolution

Later on in the project, the client expressed that they wanted to change the website’s color scheme. XYZ Retail prefers a bright palette, while your design team recommends a more subdued one. To iron out the differences, you can collaborate with team members in real-time using the Discussions feature:

Here’s how it works: With Nifty’s discussion feature, you can create a dedicated thread for this topic. Both parties can share their perspectives, and you can facilitate a compromise that satisfies the client’s branding while maintaining a visually appealing design.

Feedback Loop

As the project nears completion, you can use Nifty’s Form feature to gather feedback from XYZ Retail on their experience:

Feedback Loop
Automation in action in Nifty

Leverage their honest input to eliminate the issues and deliver a website that meet’s client expectations on all accounts.

The learning: By effectively utilizing Nifty’s communication features throughout the project, you’ve not only met the client’s expectations but also built a strong client-manager relationship—a win-win for all! 

P.S. Nifty is a free client management tool. Sign up for free.

Overcoming Challenges in Client Management

Client manager addressing challenges in client management.

Every client management journey is bound to encounter challenges, but overcoming client management pitfalls is key to maintaining strong client relationships and achieving long-term success.

This segment will cover two common challenges in client management: handling difficult clients and balancing client needs with business objectives.

Managing Difficult Clients

Managing difficult clients requires patience, empathy, and effective communication. Approaching the situation with curiosity and a willingness to understand the true issue at hand can help resolve conflicts and maintain a positive working relationship with the client.

Actively listening, responding empathetically, and establishing clear boundaries and expectations allow client managers to tackle the challenges presented by difficult clients and guarantee a positive outcome for all involved parties.

Balancing Client Needs with Business Goals

Balancing client needs with business goals is a critical aspect of successful client management. To achieve this balance, it is essential to:

  • Define the scope of the project and set realistic expectations
  • Establish a timeline with achievable deadlines
  • Communicate openly and regularly with clients

Being flexible and willing to adjust the project scope if necessary while maintaining focus on business objectives ensures that both client needs and business goals are met, ultimately leading to long-term success in client management.

Top 3 Client Management Software

In today’s technology-driven world, client management software plays a crucial role in streamlining processes and enhancing client relationships. Among the myriad software options available, these three stand out as the top choices when it comes to managing clients: Niftypm, ClickUp, and

This segment will cover each of these software solutions in detail, discussing their benefits and providing tips for selecting the right software for your business.


Client Management Software, Nifty

Nifty is a robust project management software with client management features used by over 20,000 teams worldwide. Nifty streamlines connections between project managers, client managers, and clients with features such as real-time collaboration, accelerated feedback cycles, and automated progress reporting.

Nifty’s user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities make it an excellent choice for businesses seeking to enhance their client management processes.



ClickUp is a single platform designed to manage any type of work, used by over 2 million teams worldwide. It offers:

  • Real-time data and tracking
  • Detailed performance reporting
  • Sales tracking
  • Productivity tracking

ClickUp provides users with a comprehensive view of their projects and client relationships.

Its robust no-code Automations, customizable dashboards, and real-time document collaboration make ClickUp a versatile and powerful option for managing clients effectively.

Picture of Monday's Homepage is a Work OS platform that streamlines work processes and connects teams, used by numerous organizations worldwide. It offers a comprehensive solution for managing client relationships and projects effectively, with features such as:

  • Visual boards
  • Various views (including Kanban board, calendar, timeline, Gantt chart)
  • Configurable dashboards
  • Integrations with other applications
  • Automations
  • Apps
  • Real-time document collaboration

Its intuitive layout and impressive feature set make a top choice for client management software.

Benefits of Client Management Software

Utilizing client management software offers numerous benefits, including improved communication, streamlined processes, and better client retention.

These tools provide a unified platform to automate and streamline various aspects of client management, facilitating communication between departments, tracking accomplished tasks, and optimizing internal business procedures.

Utilizing free client management software like Nifty allows businesses to simplify their operations, guarantee smooth customer interactions, and boost overall efficiency with the help of a client management system, which is essential for effective client relationship management as well as customer relationship management.

By using customer relationship management software, businesses can further enhance their client relationship management strategies.

Choosing the Right Client Management Software

Selecting the appropriate client management software requires consideration of features, pricing, and compatibility with existing tools. Evaluate your client’s needs, be open and candid about your workflows, pay attention to your budget, and assess the user interface and functionality of the software.

By taking these factors into account, you can select the most suitable client management software for your business, ensuring long-term success in managing your client relationships.

Take the smart move. Use Nifty for client management.
Get Started Free

Best Practices to Manage Clients Effectively

Achieving long-term client retention is vital for the success and growth of your business. This segment will cover best practices for retaining clients, which include:

  • Understanding client requirements
  • Maintaining honesty and transparency about work processes
  • Actively listening
  • Personalizing client experiences

Understand your client’s requirements first

Comprehending your client’s requirements forms the basis of successful client management. By gaining insight into their needs and preferences, you can tailor your services and products accordingly, leading to increased client satisfaction and loyalty.

Regular communication with your clients and actively listening to their concerns will help you better understand their requirements and deliver personalized solutions that meet their unique needs.

Be honest and transparent about your work processes

Honesty and transparency play a key role in cultivating trust and credibility with clients. Being open about your work processes, including the challenges and limitations you face, helps clients understand the value you bring to their projects and sets realistic expectations.

Providing regular updates and clear communication ensures that clients are kept informed and feel valued, ultimately leading to stronger client relationships and long-term success.

Listen actively, learn continuously

Active listening and ongoing learning are crucial elements of efficient client management. By listening attentively to client feedback and adapting your strategies accordingly, you can ensure that your services and solutions align with their changing needs and expectations.

Embracing a growth mindset and seeking opportunities for improvement will help you stay ahead of the curve and consistently deliver value to your clients.

Help them understand the project status

Keeping clients informed about the project status is essential for maintaining trust and ensuring successful project outcomes. Frequently updating and reporting on project progress, milestones, and challenges aids clients in understanding the work being done and promotes a sense of collaboration and partnership.

Utilizing project dashboards and other visual tools can also help clients visualize project progress and status more effectively.

Keep deliverables in alignment with the project scope

Guaranteeing that deliverables stay within the project scope is vital to prevent scope creep and to ensure client satisfaction. Clearly defining the project scope and deliverables, and regularly reviewing progress against the agreed-upon scope helps to keep projects on track and within budget.

By maintaining alignment between project scope and deliverables, you can provide clients with the outcomes they expect and avoid potential misunderstandings or conflicts.

Track time if you are billing your client based on the number of hours

If you bill clients based on the number of hours worked, it is essential to accurately track time spent on their projects. Time tracking guarantees transparency and precision in billing and invoicing and aids clients in understanding the worth of the work being done. Utilizing time-tracking software and tools can streamline this process and provide clients with a clear picture of how their investment is being utilized.

time tracking using Nifty
Time tracking using Nifty

Use project dashboards to help them visualize things effectively

Project dashboards are a valuable tool for helping clients visualize project progress and status effectively. By providing a comprehensive view of key project metrics, dashboards allow clients to gain insights into project performance and make informed decisions.

Customizable dashboards and real-time project data tracking ensure that clients stay up-to-date on project progress and can quickly identify areas of concern or opportunities for improvement.

Personalizing Client Experiences

Personalizing client experiences is fundamental in making them feel appreciated and understood. By tailoring your services and communication to their individual needs and preferences, you can create a unique and memorable experience that fosters loyalty and long-term success.

Gathering feedback, analyzing data, and adapting your strategies accordingly can help you provide a more personalized and effective service to your clients.

Regularly Assessing and Adjusting Strategies

Ongoing evaluation and modification of client management strategies are vital to ensure continuous improvement and client satisfaction. By regularly evaluating the effectiveness of your strategies, identifying areas for improvement, and making the necessary adjustments, you can optimize your effective client management process and achieve long-term success.

Monitoring client satisfaction, analyzing performance metrics, and seeking feedback are all crucial components of this process.

Try Nifty, the client management tool with built-in best practices.
Get Started Free

Important Client Management Principles Worth Embracing

  • Be Honest and Transparent: Keep it real – remember that honesty and transparency are your best friends, as clients always appreciate the real deal, always.
  • Communicate Like a Pro: Good communication is the glue that holds client relationships together.
  • Expectations: Don’t just meet expectations; set them right from the get-go.
  • Become a Know-It-All (About Your Client’s Industry): Dive into your client’s industry. By walking in their shoes and knowing their world, you will be able to speak their language and better understand their unique challenges as well as preferences.
  • Measure Success Beyond Numbers: Project success isn’t just about checking off a predefined list of boxes; it’s about making a real impact together. So, set clear success markers from the start and regularly check how you’re doing against those targets.
  • Stay Aligned: Strive for continuous alignment with your client’s goals and vision.

Measuring Client Management Success

Measuring client management success is crucial for identifying areas of improvement and ensuring the ongoing satisfaction and retention of your clients. This segment will cover the key performance indicators utilized to evaluate client management success, including client satisfaction metrics, retention rates, and revenue growth.

Client Satisfaction Metrics

Client satisfaction is a critical measure of the success of your client management efforts. Metrics like:

  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Customer Effort Score (CES)
  • Customer Health Score (CHS)

Our services can assist you in measuring the effectiveness of your client management strategies and pinpointing areas for improvement, ensuring that you are well-prepared to engage with prospective clients.

Regularly monitoring these metrics will ensure that you stay on track in delivering exceptional client experiences and achieving long-term success.

Retention and Revenue Metrics

Client retention and revenue growth are primary indicators of the success of your client management efforts. A high client retention rate reflects customer satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn contributes to the company’s profitability.

Metrics such as customer retention rate, churn rate, and customer lifetime value (CLV) can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your client management strategies, helping you identify areas for improvement and maximize revenue potential.

Client Management is Central to Project Success

Client management isn’t just a box to tick off and call it a day. For seasoned project managers, it’s the secret sauce for success.

Encompassing a mix of soft and hard skills, client management is all about talking the talk, earning trust, setting the right expectations, staying in sync, and measuring success in a way that goes beyond mere numbers.

When project managers nail these aspects, they’re not just delivering projects; they’re building a lasting partnership with the client and delivering on the ‘intangible’ advantages of project management—an otherwise near-impossible feat to achieve!

Ready to take the next step? Sign up for free client management software, Nifty. Sign up now! 🚀

Frequently Asked Questions

What is client management skill?

Client management skills refer to the process of managing an organization’s interactions with its clients and customers, ensuring they are given top-notch services that fulfill their needs and leave them fully satisfied. It also involves overcoming any challenges that these clients might face.

What is the job description of client management?

Client management involves managing, coordinating, and overseeing a company’s interactions with potential and existing clients, building relationships with them to meet their needs, providing positive client experiences, and increasing sales and customer retention.

Successful client management involves establishing preferred communication, investing in cloud-based accounting software, always following up, managing expectations, scheduling tasks, utilizing client portals, knowing when to say no, and working smarter. These strategies will help ensure good working relationships with clients and foster loyalty.

What are the key components of successful client management?

Understanding client needs, building trust, mastering essential skills, overcoming challenges, and employing the right tools are key components of successful client management.

What are some top client management software options?

Three of the most popular client management software options are Niftypm, ClickUp, and, each offering a range of features to help streamline processes and enhance client relationships.

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