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8 Strategies To Improve Team Collaboration in Your Org

Updated on August 4, 2024By
Improve Team Collaboration in Your Org

Is your team struggling to work in a remote and distributed environment? We have your back! Here are 8 actionable tips to improve team collaboration and engagement in your org.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”

– Michael Jordan

There are some sports where individual talent thrives and some that require support and collaboration from each team member to win. It is no wonder that even Michael Jordan considered the greatest basketball player of all time, talks about teamwork rather than individual contribution.

Any business or organization works similarly to a basketball team, where the best team always wins. When individuals come together, combining their talents and perspectives to achieve a shared vision, the chances of success go up significantly.

Fostering a collaborative environment is crucial, especially for remote and distributed teams. Utilizing tools like Zoom and Slack can enhance communication and real-time interaction, making it easier for teams to work together effectively.

Most C-levels and leaders are already aware of this, as 92% of executives mention in a survey that their teams could deliver the same outcome in half the time if they collaborated more effectively.

So, the question is, how to improve collaboration in the workplace? This guide will delve into finding the answers through 8 expert tips that will help you improve and implement effective team collaboration for your organization.

What Is Team Collaboration?

Team collaboration is the cornerstone of any organization’s success simply because it focuses more on collaborative work rather than depending on certain individuals. It is the process of working together towards a shared goal, involving effective communication, coordination, and a sense of shared responsibility among team members.

It’s not simply about people working in the same room; it’s about creating an environment where everyone feels valued, heard, and motivated to contribute their best efforts. A collaborative team environment requires a concerted effort to embed cooperative values across the company’s culture.

Depending on your role and hierarchy, team collaboration can mean different things, such as:

  • For individual contributors, team collaboration is about communication and getting the proper support from the team to accomplish organizational goals and project activities effectively.
  • For team leads and leadership, team collaboration is a strategic process. It’s about allocating the right amount of resources, setting priorities, and creating project plans that empower them to perform their individual roles and lead the team effectively. A collaborative team leader adapts to diverse team needs and models cooperative behavior.
  • For cross-functional collaborators and project managers, it is about raising critical details on the project and restructuring project activities based on current factors. This helps team members understand their roles, collaborate effectively, and manage dependencies.

What does effective collaboration in the workplace look like?

While there can be several examples of collaboration in a team, let’s expand on the basketball discussion. In basketball, the best team is not one with exceptional individual players but one that can work together, passing the ball to the right individuals and taking the shot toward success.

Successful team collaboration hinges on open communication and a supportive work environment. Team collaboration looks a lot like that, with essential features like:

  • Clear communication: Organizations with clear communication channels have a significant advantage in that everyone is on the same page. They help team members actively listen and seek diverse perspectives while being able to reach out in case they need help or want an update on a dependent task.
  • Individual ownership: In a team project, we have often seen some team members take up the bulk of the work while others slack around. This is not the ideal approach, especially for a long-term collaborative team. For effective team collaboration, each resource needs to take ownership of their activities. This includes well-defined goals, proper resource management, and well-planned projects.
  • Safe space: A thriving and innovative team is one where individuals feel a sense of trust and safety and where team members feel comfortable taking risks and sharing ideas without fear of judgment. Make sure you reward people for taking an unconventional approach and do not judge them for failure.
  • Equal contribution: The ideal team player is not the one who takes the ball and tries to take the shot all alone. Team players are those who make accurate decisions, pass the ball and get in the right position to make a winning shot. So make sure your team is one where everyone contributes to the final piece, recognizing each individual for their role to keep motivation high and fuel continuous improvement.

How to Improve Team Collaboration in the Workplace: 8 Strategies

So you wish to imbibe team collaboration within your organization—now what? Boosting collaboration in the workplace is not like turning on an on/off switch that you can turn on as you need it.

It requires constant reinforcement and a culture that thrives on collaborative effort. Collaborative teams harness individual skills and talents to achieve common goals, promoting teamwork, knowledge-sharing, and effective communication.

To do this, here are eight strategies that will help you not just adopt team collaboration but make it a regular part of your overall organizational values.

1. Foster Collaboration as a value

The key to successful collaboration is ensuring every team member knows its importance. We recommend making team collaboration part of your overall company culture and values.

Explicitly state the importance of teamwork in your mission statement and core values. This reinforces that you value team members who collaborate and work with others effectively more than individual performance.

Emphasizing cross-team collaboration is crucial for enhancing workplace productivity and fostering an integrated organizational culture. Plus, you can bring out the right collaboration efforts within your team through leadership actions, such as prioritizing cross-functional projects and rewarding collaborative behaviors.

2. Use Team Collaboration Software

To truly foster collaboration in a remote and distributed environment, you cannot shy away from making technology an ally. Collaboration tools can significantly improve team communication and overall performance. Some of the tools you can use include:

  • Project Management tools: To help you plan your tasks and project activities effectively. Ensure these tools come with advanced visualizations like Kanban boards, Gantt Charts, and other formats to help you plan your activities effectively and get a high-level picture of your project.
  • Centralized workspace: Leverage tools like Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive, or other shared documentation tools to help you collaborate and work effectively. This fosters a dynamic environment where ideas flow freely, and revisions can be made collaboratively.
  • Automation & workflow tools: Free up your team’s valuable time for strategic thinking and creative problem-solving. Leverage automation features to handle repetitive tasks like sending notifications, assigning routine actions, or updating task statuses.
  • Team Communication: Instead of communicating across multiple apps and platforms, opt for communication tools or team collaboration tools with features like built-in chat functionality, task comments, and discussion boards. This facilitates clear and transparent communication, allowing team members to share updates, ask questions, and provide feedback easily.
  • Data-driven decision-making: Reporting and analytics tools can provide valuable insights into project performance. Identify potential roadblocks early on, track team progress, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your workflow.

Project management platforms like Nifty can centralize tasks, facilitate communication, and track progress in a shared workspace, giving you the benefits of multiple software and tools in an all-in-one platform.

Get task management, resource planning, time tracking, docs and communication, all in one tool – Nifty

3. Establish Communication Conventions

The key to team collaboration is clear and respectful communication. To establish this:

  • Define Preferred Channels: Specify which communication tool (email, instant messaging, project management platform) best suits different situations. Urgent updates might require instant messaging, while detailed project plans might be best shared through a central platform.
  • Set Expectations for Response Time: Establish clear expectations for how quickly team members should respond to messages and inquiries. This helps maintain a consistent flow of information and avoids delays.
  • Promote Respectful and Inclusive Communication: Encourage a culture of respectful communication where everyone feels comfortable speaking up and sharing ideas — set guidelines on appropriate language and tone, fostering a safe space for open dialogue. Recognize the contributions of other team members to inspire additional teamwork and cooperation.
  • Document Communication Protocols: Don’t leave communication expectations to chance. Document your team’s communication conventions in a central location that is easily accessible to all team members (e.g., company handbook, docs in your project management platform, etc). This ensures everyone is on the same page from the get-go.

4. Build Cross-functional Teams

Break down departmental silos and create teams that bring together individuals with diverse skills and perspectives, aka cross-functional teams.

This cross-pollination of ideas can foster innovation and problem-solving, allowing team members to learn from each other and develop a broader understanding of the organization’s goals. By ensuring that the entire team is supported and informed, organizations can strengthen teamwork and accountability.

For example, instead of having teams with specialized domain expertise like content writing, encourage each department to have individuals with multiple skill sets, expertise, and perspectives. Thus, you can have a marketing team with dedicated content marketing teams, including content writers and editors.

In contrast, business development, software, and other departments can have skilled writers with domain knowledge. This helps you create technical and business-oriented content for your blogs, whitepapers, or overall organizational usage, while your marketing-focused SEO writers and content experts can use this to improve your organization’s overall reach and visibility.

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5. Add Reusable Templates to your Workflow

Wouldn’t it be amazing to get all the workflows and project plans ready-made? Predefined templates can help you do just that, saving you time, ensuring consistency, and keeping your team in perfect harmony. 

Many project management platforms, including Nifty, offer pre-built templates for everyday tasks and projects. These templates provide a structured framework outlining essential steps, task assignments, and deadlines. This eliminates the need to reinvent the wheel for routine projects, allowing your team to hit the ground running.

To take template creation to the next level, you can leverage Nifty’s AI capabilities. Nifty Orbit AI analyzes your past projects and identifies patterns, suggesting custom innovative templates that streamline your workflow even further. This helps you to:

  • Save Time and Effort: Skip repetitive setup tasks and focus on the creative aspects of your work.
  • Ensure Consistency: Maintain consistent quality and project structure across similar tasks.
  • Empower New Team Members: Onboard new team members quickly with clear roadmaps and predefined tasks.
  • Boost Team Productivity: Minimize wasted time and allow your team to focus on high-value activities.

6. Focus on Team Efficiency

To help your teams stay efficient, make sure that you prioritize team metrics and streamline your workflow to maximize team output.

  • Automate Repetitive Tasks: Identify repetitive tasks that bog down your team and explore automation options within your project management platform or other relevant tools. Automating tasks like sending notifications, assigning routine actions, or updating task statuses frees up valuable time for more strategic work.
  • Utilize Time Management Techniques: Encourage team members to adopt effective time management practices. Techniques like timeboxing (allocating specific time slots for tasks) and the Pomodoro Technique (focused work intervals with short breaks) can significantly improve focus and productivity.
  • Prioritize ruthlessly: Not all tasks are created equal. Help your team prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, ensuring they focus on activities that contribute most to achieving team goals.
  • Invest in Training and Development: Equip your team with the skills and knowledge they need to perform their roles effectively. Consider training on project management tools, communication skills, or industry-specific expertise to elevate their efficiency.

7. Implement Transparency at every level

Secrecy breeds mistrust, while transparency fosters trust and collaboration. So, make sure you practice complete transparency and openness in your communication, including:

  • Sharing Goals and Progress: Keep everyone informed about the team’s overall goals, project milestones, and progress updates. Utilize central platforms or dashboards to provide real-time visibility into project activities.
  • Encourage Open Communication: Create a culture where open communication is encouraged. Team members should feel comfortable asking questions, sharing concerns, and providing feedback without fear of judgment.
  • Hold Regular Team Meetings: Regular team meetings are a great platform to share updates, address roadblocks, and foster open communication. Encourage active participation from all team members and ensure everyone has a voice.
  • Make Data Accessible: Provide team members with access to relevant data and reports so they can understand the impact of their work and contribute to data-driven strategies.

8. Have Conflict Management Strategies in Place

A crucial aspect of maintaining decorum and team morale is ensuring that conflicts are resolved with proper mechanisms. Conflicts are bound to happen when working as a team since every team member and department has unique goals and requirements.

Constructive conflict management strategies should be in place to ensure disagreements don’t derail collaboration.

  • When problems arise, focus on conflict resolution and active listening rather than passing the blame or name-calling. Team leaders play a crucial role in facilitating effective conflict resolution and supporting their teammates during these times.
  • Ensure that each team member is informed of being respectful in their communication, even during disagreements.
  • Focus on the shared goals and objectives of the team. By identifying common ground, it becomes easier to find solutions that benefit everyone involved.
  • If team members are struggling to resolve a conflict on their own, have a neutral third party or the leadership facilitate a productive conversation and help them reach a mutually agreeable solution.

On-Site Vs. Remote Team Collaboration

Working together as a team has traditionally been about working in the same room, which is why on-site collaboration thrives even today. But the tables have shifted since the pandemic. As per Gallup research:

  • 5 out of 10 employees work hybrid (part of their week at home and part on-site)
  • 3 out of 10 are working exclusively remote
  • 2 out of 10 are working entirely on-site

With these shifts to remote and hybrid work models, the core principles of team collaboration have shifted to enable similar teamwork and workflows even in a diverse environment.

FeatureOn-Site CollaborationRemote Collaboration
AdvantagesSpontaneous Interaction: Easy brainstorming and informal conversations
Nonverbal Cues: Gain valuable context from facial expressions and body language
Team Building Activities: Engaging in person builds stronger connections
Talent Acquisition: Access a wider pool of qualified candidates
Flexibility: Work from a location and schedule that suits you best
Reduced Costs: Companies save on office space and overhead expenses
DisadvantagesLimited Talent Pool: Recruitment is restricted to a specific location
Scheduling Challenges: Coordinating meetings can be difficult
Work-Life Balance: Long commutes can impact well-being and productivity
Isolation and Loneliness: Remote workers can feel disconnected
Communication Challenges: Misunderstandings can arise without nonverbal cues
Distractions: Working from home can present distractions
Communication StrategiesRegular face-to-face meetings Utilize whiteboards and flipcharts for brainstorming Encourage open communication and active listeningVideo calls and instant messaging Clear communication protocols and expectations Overcommunicate: provide frequent project updates
Team BuildingIn-person team-building exercises and social gatheringsVirtual team-building activities and online social events
Ideal forTasks requiring frequent in-person interaction, brainstorming sessions, or real-time problem-solvingRoles with flexible schedules, geographically dispersed teams, or tasks requiring focus and independent work

To bring out the best of both worlds, many organizations are adopting a hybrid work model, allowing employees to work from both the office and remotely. This approach requires a flexible and adaptable collaboration strategy. There have to be clear instructions on when teams need to work from the office and when they can work remotely. 

With strategic planning, teams can collaborate to share task updates and complete dependent activities while still getting the benefits of working remotely to complete individual tasks. 

Top 3 Team Collaboration Software to Ease Your Work

When it comes to leading a remote team, several productivity and manager tools can help you work better with your team. These tools focus on the key areas of team collaboration: project management, resource management, task management, communication, and automation.

Here is a look at the top 3 contenders in the category of team collaboration software:

1. Nifty

All-in-one project management and team collaboration tool

Nifty, team collaboration software

Nifty is a cloud-based project management solution that has everything you could possibly need for effective teamwork. The platform can help you manage tasks and project timelines, track time, and even communicate in personal and group conversations.

The best part is you can keep using your existing tools like Google Docs, Zoom, and other apps that integrate perfectly with Nifty. Thus, you can quickly bootstrap it and import data from other platforms like Asana, ClickUp, Trello, JIRA, or others into the Nifty dashboard.

Key Features

  • Centralized Workspace: Manage projects, tasks, discussions, files, and communication – all in one place. Break down information silos and keep everyone on the same page.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Collaborate on documents, brainstorm ideas, and track project progress in real-time. Foster a dynamic and interactive work environment.
  • Visual Project Management: Utilize Gantt charts (Roadmaps in Nifty) to visualize project timelines, dependencies, and milestones. Ensure clear task ownership and keep everyone aligned.
  • Automated Workflows: Automate repetitive tasks and streamline processes with Nifty’s automation features. Free up your team’s time for creative problem-solving and strategic thinking.
  • AI-powered Insights: Leverage Nifty’s AI capabilities to gain valuable insights into project performance, identify potential risks, and make data-driven decisions.

Get started with Nifty for free

2. ClickUp

Customized project management and productivity tool

ClickUp for team collaboration

Proclaimed as the all-in-one productivity and project management platform, ClickUp offers several features that make it ideal for all types of teams—remote, hybrid, or on-site. It helps you automate and define workflows, plan resources and tasks, gain detailed insights into your team using analytics and dashboards, and manage your remote teams more efficiently.

Key Features

  • Extensive Customization Options: Tailor ClickUp to your specific needs with customizable views, fields, and automation features.
  • Multiple Project Views: Choose from various project views (List, Kanban Board, Mind Map) to best suit your team’s preferences and project type.
  • Goal Setting and Tracking: ClickUp’s goal management features allow you to set goals, track progress, and measure team performance.
  • Built-in Docs & Whiteboard: Collaborate on documents and brainstorm visually with ClickUp’s built-in Docs and Whiteboard features.
  • Integrations: Integrate ClickUp with a wide range of third-party apps to streamline your workflow and connect your favorite tools.

3. Asana

User-friendly task and resource management tool

Asana, team collaboration software

Asana is a well-known work, project, task, and resource management tool ideal for remote and distributed teams. Its entire focus is on keeping organizations focused on their goals, project planning, and tasks, leveraging Asana’s features to stay productive and on track with multiple projects.

Key Features:

  • Simple Task Management: Create tasks, assign them to team members, and easily track progress. Ideal for straightforward workflows.
  • Clear Communication: Centralize all task-related communication within the platform, fostering transparency and accountability.
  • Mobile App: Manage tasks and collaborate on the go with Asana’s mobile app.
  • Goal Setting and Tracking: Set clear goals for your team and track progress visually with Asana’s dashboards.
  • Project Templates: Utilize pre-built templates to kickstart your projects quickly and efficiently.

Conclusion: Improve Team Collaboration with the right tools

When setting up a remote team workflow, communication and collaboration are two crucial aspects that you must prioritize. By prioritizing the strategies outlined in this guide, you can cultivate a workplace where:

  • Ideas flow freely, and innovation thrives.
  • Communication is clear and consistent, fostering trust and psychological safety.
  • Team members feel valued and empowered to contribute their best efforts.
  • Deadlines are met not with stress but with a sense of shared accomplishment.

Remember, collaboration in the workplace is a skill that can be developed and honed over time. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and providing your team with the right tools and resources, you can transform your organization into a well-oiled machine capable of achieving remarkable things.

Ready to lead your team to collaborative success? Start by implementing the strategies outlined in this guide and consider exploring powerful collaboration tools like Nifty. It’ll ease the process of team collaboration and also help your organization achieve success faster and more efficiently.

Sign Up for Nifty for free.

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